Washing your car is one of those rituals and spiritual moments where we become one with our car. It's like the car knows that it's getting clean and somehow we think it runs better after a nice clean, which usually takes between 2-4 hours. Not sure where the time goes but when you get back in it the next day it's a feeling of accomplishment. A feeling of a freshly washed car, vacuumed interior and you even found some febreeze and used it on your seats. Ahhhh, what a lovely feeling.
But it all boils down to the basic question "Should I even wash my car today?"
The answer is YES. Or, it could be NO. Fear no longer and stop crying. We have developed a solution. The iShould Car Wash App.
A couple months ago I found myself asking the same question and it struck me. I then formed the iShould App Project to help answer the car wash question but it actually applies to many other questions. Should I surf? Should I Hike? Should I Divorce? Well, not the last one. But the underlying concept (patents pending) let's take all this free data, weather in particular and make some use out of it. So that is what we set out to do.
So, be on the look out in your nearest app store for the iShould App Project. Our first app will be: iShould Car Wash. We will be launching on the android market by summers end and then move to iPhone and Blackberry. After we release the initial app, we will be following up with additional apps which are in the queue.
Have any mobile app ideas that you think are cool? Don't have the resources? E-mail me and we can talk.
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