If you have not yet heard or read Dan Arielys Predictably Irrational, I suggest you pick it up. Ever wonder why we make decisions? Are you interested in ways that marketers and behavioral economists sway us to the choice that best fits the organization. Ever wonder why people would steal a can a soda but not a dollar bill.
Before college, I was not really into the whole business thing. I was actually pretty turned off by it. I swore that I wouldn't go down the corporate tunnel, that I would rather open up a small shop and live cheaply. We all think about that option at some point. "I can open a business. I can do it better than anyone can." This is the mind set I had going into college. When I go in, I was taken back by just how much information is out there. By just how much knowledge some of these professors had and quickly realized I have to do things out of the box. I need to do more than the next person. Cause if you really think about it, there are how many students in the business program at SDSU. How many business programs in the CSU system? How many top notch private business schools there are? It's shocking just how much competition there is out there.
So, I soon realized that on top of the school readings and learning's, I am going to have to take it upon myself to read as much as I can and gather outside knowledge so that I can have a competitive advantage when applying for a job. Or, for when I open by own business.
I went to Barnes and Noble with a friend and like Marketing research has shown, colors do attract attention and are cultural. Looking through the selection, Dan Arielys book caught my eye. Without looking further, I chose it and read it. Not only did this book open my eyes up to some of the tricks that marketers use, but it hits home with how we as humans make decisions. It recognizes that humans are irrational and since we know they are irrational, they are in a sense predictable.
Give the book a read and let me know your thoughts.
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